Category: Reviews

  • Tears of the Kingdom: A Complex Love Letter to Zelda

    The Legend of Zelda has always been one of my favourite video game series. As a Zelda fan, I am sure that I have blind spots for certain aspects. However, I also try to be objective with each new game. I found it difficult to express my feelings about Breath of the wild (BOTW), and…

  • Ragnarok’s Echo: Does God of War’s Latest Chapter Live Up to the Legend?

    It’s never easy to follow up on something great. Santa Monica brought back God of War, and the surprise element was there. When the world saw Kratos’ epic return, it sold millions of copies and won awards, including Hacksilver, and became one of the best-loved Playstation games ever. God of War Ragnarock, however, lacks the…

  • Resident Evil Village: The Shadows of Rose – A Deep Dive into the DLC

    Resident Evil: Village introduces a single-player expansion pack titled “Rose’s Shadow,” delving into the narrative 16 years after the main game events. Rose, Ethan’s daughter, finds herself entangled in the consciousness of the Megamycete, desperately seeking a way to escape the overwhelming powers that have affected her formative years. A Dive into the Unknown This…

  • Pokémon Legends: Arceus – A Revolutionary Journey Unfolds

    In the realm of Pokémon, where familiarity often breeds comfort, Game Freak has dared to embark on a revolutionary journey with “Pokémon Legends: Arceus.” Having spent a whopping 87 hours exploring the vast landscapes of this innovative title, I can confidently assert that this is the best Pokémon game I’ve played since the iconic Gold…

  • Unleashing Destiny 2 Witch Queen Expansion

    In the realm of Destiny expansions, it’s customary to withhold judgment until three or even four weeks post-release. Typically, there’s an impending raid, content locked behind a temporal gateway, and a myriad of power-enhancing pursuits that demand a considerable time investment. However, Bungie defied tradition with “The Witch Queen,” allowing us to pass judgment after…

  • Elden Ring: A Majestic Dive into the Abyss

    Since the beginning, fans of Dark Souls have been eagerly anticipating the release of “Elden Ring.” A collaboration between Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R. R. Martin, this game promised to craft a new fantasy world for players to traverse and explore. Before the final release date announcement, fans were craving any snippet of information. After…

  • Purr-fectly Paired: A Feline Adventure in “Stray”

    Some might argue that cats and platform games go together like chocolate and peanut butter – a perfect match. The inherent agility and swiftness of cats make them a natural fit for platforming adventures. When “Stray” first emerged, it caught the attention of many players with its cyberpunk post-apocalyptic setting and the premise of playing…

  • A Year in Gaming: Unveiling the Finest Titles of 2021

    In a year shadowed by the pandemic’s impact, the gaming industry managed to deliver an array of breathtaking titles, making this list a challenging compilation. Notably, “Final Fantasy XIV” stole the spotlight with its monumental expansion, dethroning even the long-reigning “World of Warcraft” in terms of subscription numbers. With more people spending time at home,…

  • Biomutant: A Chronicle of Disappointment in the Gaming Realm

    As the calendar pages turned to reveal another month in the year 2021, the gaming community found itself adding yet another letdown to its list. “Biomutant,” a title that had been brewing and teasing for years, had nestled itself on my Steam wishlist so inconspicuously that I couldn’t even recall when I first added it.…

  • Resident Evil 3: Remake is worth a shot, even if your gaming hours are limited in this action-horror spectacle. Undoubtedly, it stands out in terms of visuals, feel, and performance, yet it undergoes some weakening experiences compared to its 2019 counterpart, “Resident Evil 2: Remake.” In the previous installment, each scene could be completed in…