Category: Xbox

  • A Year in Gaming: Unveiling the Finest Titles of 2021

    In a year shadowed by the pandemic’s impact, the gaming industry managed to deliver an array of breathtaking titles, making this list a challenging compilation. Notably, “Final Fantasy XIV” stole the spotlight with its monumental expansion, dethroning even the long-reigning “World of Warcraft” in terms of subscription numbers. With more people spending time at home,…

  • Joining the Companions in Skyrim: A Warrior’s Guide to Brotherhood

    The Companions are the warriors of the Skyrim Fighters Guild, a formidable group proud to be among the mightiest in the realm. Joining their ranks is a direct yet rewarding process. Here’s our guide on how to join the Companions in Skyrim. Companions Guide Step 1: Make Contact There are two ways to meet the…

  • Navigating Indie Wonders: A Year of Exciting Releases

    In the wake of numerous astonishing indie game releases last year, one might assume it’s challenging for 2022 to reach the same level. Surprisingly, this year is equally brimming with impressive gaming experiences. Independent creators bring forth a slew of triple “I” games, ranging from action-packed kung fu epics to unsettling yet charming community builders.…

  • Biomutant: A Chronicle of Disappointment in the Gaming Realm

    As the calendar pages turned to reveal another month in the year 2021, the gaming community found itself adding yet another letdown to its list. “Biomutant,” a title that had been brewing and teasing for years, had nestled itself on my Steam wishlist so inconspicuously that I couldn’t even recall when I first added it.…

  • Resident Evil 3: Remake is worth a shot, even if your gaming hours are limited in this action-horror spectacle. Undoubtedly, it stands out in terms of visuals, feel, and performance, yet it undergoes some weakening experiences compared to its 2019 counterpart, “Resident Evil 2: Remake.” In the previous installment, each scene could be completed in…

  • Unveiling the November Lineup of Xbox Gold Games

    Unlocking some crime mysteries, hopping onto a series of trains, piloting some cosmic spaceships – embark on a delightful driving journey. Xbox Gold members are in for a treat with four free games in November, spanning three generations of Xbox consoles and delivering excitement to the Xbox One. Ah, so that’s why it’s called Xbox…

  • Skyrim Guide: Early Wealth Strategies

    In Skyrim, gold is the ultimate ruler, even if you’re Dragonborn. Hard work and perseverance will take you far, but they won’t make you rich. If you’re aiming to amass a fortune in Skyrim, you need to take matters into your own hands. There are numerous ways to earn gold in Skyrim—will you become an…

  • Skyrim’s Enduring Allure: A Journey Through Tamriel

    Though released in 2011, “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” remains a household name among gamers, standing as one of the most beloved RPGs. According to the game’s creator, Todd Howard, as of November 2016, it had sold over 30 million copies, a testament to its enduring popularity. The game’s endless open-world system has undeniably captivated…

  • Revamping the Game: FIFA 15’s Ambitious Changes

    Year after year, the FIFA gaming series stands tall as one of the most beloved and top-selling franchises. Yet, paradoxically, it also garners its fair share of complaints. Each annual release brings forth a slew of player concerns, prompting the dedicated team at EA Canada to embark on a mission to identify the roots of…